Sunday, October 5, 2008


We got up today, had a leisurely breakfast, went to church, then to a greasy diner for lunch, and then sat on the couch and watched football for the afternoon.

Ha! Just kidding! That's what OTHER people do on Sundays...not us, we're crazy! We left the house at 9:30 this morning on our bikes. Our destination was the mountain biking trails of South Boulder. We arrived at the Marshall Mesa Trail around 10:30 and biked all over the mesa and then south of Eldorado on the Community Ditch Trail and Dowdy Draw Trail. We circled back to Marshall Mesa and then crossed the road to head to Eldorado State Park. Once at the park, we ditched our bikes and hit the trail on foot. We hiked the 3.5 mile Eldorado Canyon Trail out and back, occasionally coming across some rain. The trail ended at the Walker Ranch Loop and South Boulder Creek. The creek was beautiful and very fast moving. Hopefully next weekend we'll have a chance to do the loop and see more of the creek.

After the three and a half hour hike we got back on our bikes and headed home. When we walked in the door, it was 6:00, 8.5 hours after we left. What a weekend!

1 comment:

Donna said...

you had me scared for a moment...