Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Very Boulder Day

There is still a bit of snow on the ground from last weekend, but the temperatures have been more seasonable as the week's gone on. Today it was in the 50s and we took advantage of it!

First, Dan and I both went running. I went up the Cottonwood Trail and he did some speedwork in the neighborhood. Then, we got on our bikes and headed to the south of town. We wound our way up to the Kohler Mesa and then up to Chautauqua. Since one can't visit Chautauqua without hiking, that's just what we did. Northern facing, shady bits of trail were very icy and very cold, so we didn't make it to the Royal Arch, but we managed to do a nice loop. Dan even did a couple of moves on the Second Flatiron as we walked by the base. Then we hopped on our bikes and headed home.

Today we also got season ski rentals so we're ready to hit the slopes this winter! Yay!

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