Sunday, June 12, 2011

South Sneak Success!

In September, we tried to climb the South Sneak route, but somehow missed a right turn and ended up walking off the rock prematurely. Today we decided to give it another shot.

We rode to Chautauqua with our packs and hiked up to the base of the 2nd Flatiron. About 5 minutes from the start of the climb, Laurel asks if I grabbed her shoes. Whoops. So our early start to the day was eroded a bit.

I led the first two pitches as before, trying to keep an eye out for a good place to head north. Probably turned too soon, as the rock I climbed was fairly vertical -- definitely not in line with the "class 4" rating the route was given (not that the rest of the route felt like class 4 either though). In any case, I found a way up to the ridge and followed that to the summit of the South Block. From there, an easy scramble over to the base of the Pullman Car and the trail back home.

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