This morning we met up with Melanie and Ryan in Colorado Springs. Melanie took us for a walk around Red Rock Canyon. Looked like a fun place to climb, but today's a rest day for us. We had a tasty lunch (and dessert) at Marigold's Cafe and said goodbye. It was exciting to hear about Melanie and Ryan's adventures (canyoneering, slickrock riding, ice climbing, backcountry skiing, etc.). She's doing a triathlon this weekend, which has piqued Laurel's interest.
It's sad leaving Colorado. Everything we've done out west has been so rewarding and inspiring. Hopefully we can keep up our level of fitness once we're back east.
Entering Kansas...
We're determined to do something fun in Kansas. Laurel drove as I read through the AAA book. There was supposed to be some 80' Van Gogh sunflower painting on the side of the highway but we didn't see it. Nothing jumped out that sounded fun. The most interesting thing that's more or less on the way is an animated dinosaur exhibit in Hays. Maybe we'll walk around Wichita tomorrow too.
Texted Brian Doki:
Any ideas for something to do in Kansas between Hays and Wichita? We are stumped.
Brian replies:
Sure! leave as fast as you can.
Probably good advice.
One boring day out of many wonderful days isn't bad. Hope you have something great planned for today...... HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!
You know what's sad? I've actually been to Hayes. I spent a week there when I was in high school, visiting a friend.
Unless you're a real fan of buffalo and limestone, it's pretty dull. The biggest past time (shouldn't it be "pass time"?) there at the time was disk golf.
Since Laurel's standing in front of a bear, seems timely to post potential answers to the mountain lion versus bear question:
grizzly bear
black bear
In any fight who ever wants it the most has an advantage, ex. ma cat-kit, black bear-food, grizzly bear could easily take on black bear but the bigger grizzly bear ran from ma and kit. As for KS - "get out of Dodge" has more meaning now doesn't it?
Wow Alice, good research! The internets suck at this RV park but I got the gist of the movies. That black bear was pretty intimidating walking around on 2 legs.
Yeah, even though we never made it to Dodge City, I fully understand "get out of Dodge" now!! Same applies to OK and AR as far as I'm concerned.
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