What does this sign mean?
Lotta driving today... we drove through parts of OH, WV, PA, MD, to get to DC. Very hilly highway through WV, like 1000' hills. Just can't call that "mountainous".
We met up with Renee and Liam for dinner. Had delicious sushi in Metro Center at Sushi Aoi, then headed to Glover Park for Max's Best Ice Cream. It was fun catching up with them, hard to believe it's been 3 years since we last got together. They suggested some interesting historic civil war battlegrounds that we may check out tomorrow -- Shepherdstown, WV and Harpers Ferry. We may also hike some of the AT. And one of these days we gotta see the Simpson's movie! In the evening we'll meet up with Ben.
Before I zoomed in, I thought the sign said "incorporated." I wondered why you were confused, then clicked on the image and LOLed.
I means the town exists, but somehow isn't part of the state. I guess they don't get representation, or are just part of a larger area. Saw a few towns like that in Vancouver Island.
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