Packed up camp, hit the road east, trying to get out of OK as fast as possible. The drive was so boring, we played "church poker". Similar to Tom's game of "cow poker", you get a point for passing a church on your side of the road, double your points for passing an LDS church, and lose all your points for passing an adult bookstore.
Dan got some funny looks at a gas station in Oklahoma, probably looked out of place not wearing any camouflage.
We're in Waffle House country. That's one good thing about this area. It's obvious we're in the South after talking with a few locals.
Into Arkansas. The roads are hilly and treeful, which is a change from sunflowers, corn, wheat, and cows.
Heading to Petit Jean State Park for some hiking and hopefully climbing too.
OK, no luck on the climbing. The people at the visitor center seemed like they had never heard the words "rock climbing". There were signs at the trailheads though that said no climbing or rappelling allowed.
It's hot and humid. We hiked some short trails and saw cliffs, caves, a waterfall, and turtle rocks. Did I mention it's humid? The dry heat of the west was much more tolerable. Now we're driving through backwoods Arkansas to get a different view on the way back to the highway.
Tried another place to climb but we were discouraged by the park staff who said it would be too hot, warned us that our dog would die, and needed us to fill out a form explicitly stating which trails/routes we would be hiking/climbing. Said "screw this" and went to Bill Clinton's library / gift palace in Little Rock. It was an interesting place and an excuse to see some of the capital city.
Once again hit the road, this time for Memphis. Checked into an RV park, set up camp, and headed out to Beale St. to B.B. King's Blues Cafe. Very touristy but it was fun. Listened to some good music, had some good BBQ. Saw W.C. Handy's historic house nearby (father of the blues).
Tomorrow we go see Elvis, who lives right next door. That's right, we're camping 100 feet from Graceland. Does it get much better?
(8/5: holy crap, it'll cost us $50 just to get into Graceland! maybe we'll skip it.)
Oh yeah, I forgot to blog my Graceland visit. Here it is:
Got there, paid $6 to park, found out it was $25 for the cheapest tour, left.
heh, we got a combo student / AAA discount. It was still expensive but how can you pass up that kitch?
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