Absolutely amazing and somewhat reminiscent of Joshua Tree NP and maybe Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. The 30 mile drive took us 3 hours (took over 100 pictures).
Did you take the Notch trail? I thought of you guys when I was on it. I bet the formations look tempting for climbers, but then I noticed that the rock was so fragile you could break it with your hands. Probably not good for climbing, according to my personal climbability analysis, which is probably not worth much.
110 degrees! Wow. I know what that's like from when we were in Arizona. I'm loving your blog and the pictures are great! Keep them coming. How has the weather been so far?
Your photos are fantastic!!
Did you take the Notch trail? I thought of you guys when I was on it. I bet the formations look tempting for climbers, but then I noticed that the rock was so fragile you could break it with your hands. Probably not good for climbing, according to my personal climbability analysis, which is probably not worth much.
110 degrees! Wow. I know what that's like from when we were in Arizona. I'm loving your blog and the pictures are great! Keep them coming. How has the weather been so far?
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