Sunday morning we headed out to Chautauqua park to scope out the First Flatiron.
The skinny spire on the right is The Spy. The giant hunk of rock is the First. There is a Flatironette between the two, but not visible in the above picture.
On our trek we saw a deer with big antlers. (His name is Zeb.)
The trail starts in a park, winds through the woods, crosses a talus field a few times, and gains 500' elevation. In this picture, you can see the park (the big green field) and the talus. Boulder is beyond. Our car is parked at the far end of the park.
It took about an hour to hike from the park to the base of the Flatiron, then another hour perhaps to hike between the 1st and 2nd Flatirons to the point where climbers rappel off the top. Because the rock is integrated into the mountain, you can hike almost up to the summit -- it's only a 100' rappel after a 1000' climb!
Went home for showers and dinner, then back out to Chautauqua park for a concert that was part of the Colorado Music Festival. The concert was in a huge building that looked like it may have been an old barn. The first half of the program was lyrical and unique. The Wagner was gorgeous. The bassoon concerto was modern and very different. The Bach and Mozart were typical. Dan was very distracted by the harpsichord in the Bach oboe concerto and wished it wasn't there.
Before bed, Dan studied the topo and the detail in this photo for Monday's climb.
10:30 bedtime.
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